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Higher Self Portraits

Now offering Higher Self Portraits for sale in The Shop!

In need of a boost of confidence or to refocus on the positive gifts of your Higher Self? I will sit in meditation and Channel what is pertinent for you at this time. All imagery will be symbolic of your strengths and gifts that your Soul possesses. The image will assist you to refocus to a Higher Vibration and to manifest your greater potential.

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Time to Re-Boot and Upgrade The Self

A New Era Opens, with Infinite possibilities of New Visions for us to manifest.

Right now we are still in transition. A time of many changes, on both the personal and global level. It is a time to breathe deeply, be still, meditate and find our connection with the magic and wonder of Life. It is also a time to consider what needs to be let go of and what feeds our Soul.

It is a time to nurture The Self. To come into communion with The Self. There are many ways to cultivate Self Love. I Highly Recommend including the following in your repertoire : 1) Inner Child work 2) Creating Ceremony to Release, or Ceremony to start a new habit or path or transition 3) Meditation 4) Journaling.

For Connecting with your Inner Child, I have found the following works well: Sit with your Inner Child, of different ages, and talk to these parts, but mostly listen and allow those parts to speak, to be heard. If they choose to not speak, then sit in silence with them. Show up for your Inner Child, every day, by connecting and listening.

An exercise that really helped me at a very low point, was to get a roll of Kraft paper, pull out a very large piece and tape it to the wall, floor to ceiling. I then invited my Inner Child to just doodle, draw, color, every day for a week. You can of course opt for regular drawing paper or canvas paper and paint. I had a box of markers and crayons nearby. I would start by sitting quietly, making sure to turn my attention inward, into the Garden of my Heart, and send the invitation. Some days a whole lot of doodleing happened and other days not much, or maybe just to color in yesterday’s doodle. It is all good! The important thing is to not judge anything that comes out. Just show up every day for this. Before long, the whole page is covered.

Then I spend another week just sitting in front of this and looking at what symbols and connections between things, are there. Just looking intently….don’t skip this part, because observing while doodling is different from sitting back and observing. This is an exercise I would recommend doing every few months.

In between, I would still sit with the Inner Child, but instead, have a journal handy, and ask your Inner Child a question every day and allow the answer to flow through writing. Again, do not judge. What the question is, will be your choice. You may even simply ask “What do you want to do today” or “for the next two hours”…..and then go do that!

If and When Big Issues come up, as they are bound to, ask your Adult Self, the following Questions:

1) what is this behavior or belief? How did it serve me in the past? ……. 2) How does it serve me now?……. 3) Is it still needful? ………. 4) Does this serve me in cultivating my Highest Potential?

It may be Time to let things go, break a habit, create a new healthy habit, explore new horizons.

The best way to begin this, is with ceremony. Ceremony speaks to our unconscious brain and allows us to really focus on what this transition is all about. It assist us to step from one place to another, more smoothly.

Basic Ceremony:

* *find a piece of wood….any kind, could be driftwood, or a wood shape bought at a Craft Store, or an old piece that used to be part of something else.* *Decorate this wood piece, through writing on it, collage, paint, adhering metal shapes or beads or wrapping with yarn or twine. * *incorporate Nature into the ceremony, by going outside with Your created piece. **You may wish to speak a poem or sing, chant, play a drum. **Call on Spirit Guides, your Higher Self, The Angels, to witness. **You may then choose to bury it in the earth or toss it into a body of water. If you choose to burn it, please adhere to fire safety and only use an actual fire pit. **You may also incorporate incense, candles, or anoint yourself with a special oil.

Touch Stone: To assist a new habit, choose a special crystal or stone that you can carry in your pocket and rub a thumb over, during the day, as a reminder. Hold the stone between your hands and speak your intention out loud, into the stone, asking it to assist you to remember your intention throughout the day, expressing Grattitude for its help.

Journal! I would recommend journaling every day, to record your emotions, struggles, triumphs, and gratitudes…..what your reflections have shown you and what your process is.

The basic idea here is to become more in touch with your self, to really get to know yourself, without judgement, and to reflect upon what will cultivate your Highest Potential.

Affirmations: *”My Heart is Open to receive the energy of Love”……. **”I Radiate the essence of Compassion”…… **”I walk my path with Ease and Grace”

To Re-Boot and Upgrade! To transition into a Higher Frequency of Living, with ease and grace! To be ready to manifest your greatest dreams! May Blessings Abound!

I will be creating a monthly “Meditation Kit” for sale in the Shop. Each month will have a different theme, and feature my own Art, as Spirit Altar Cards, with a Guided Mediation, a Soul Spark Focus Card, and a Heart Hugs Project. Also included each month, will be a special crystal and incense for you to enjoy! This month’s Theme is Transformation, Connecting with your “Butterfly Essence”!!!

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JupiterFox Tranmission#2

Weaving our Light together now. We are JupiterFox. We sense confusion and the illusion of loss around human understanding of “Oneness”. Seek to listen with the whole Being. Listen through the Heart of The Soul, more than just the mind of who you are in this 3D world. Words are not enough to achieve understanding. It is an illusion that you will loose your “self”. This is not how it is. Each particle of Light is Amazing and Alive in and of itself! This Beauty does not “end” or go away! We offer a familiar example to further understanding: That of a Tapestry. A huge, magnificent, glorious tapestry! The tapestry is filled with detailed and intricate imagery of all manner of Beings and patterns of togetherness. Yet this beautiful tapestry is created by single threads who come together to create this. Each thread is composed of unique colors, shades, textures, patterns, encoded with wisdom and love. The thread does not lose its uniqueness but rather, contributes it’s uniqueness to the tapestry. The thread may choose where and how it will weave itself or may choose to not weave itself. The tapestry will change based on what the thread chooses. It is a Living, Breathing Tapestry that is constantly changing in its aliveness. Each thread will maintain it’s unique set of patterns. We speak of course of each Soul as a “thread” of Light. Your Soul is unique, and encoded with its own patterns of wisdom and love. Breathe deeply now and release all fear of loss, for each and every unique signature of Light is celebrated and honored! What incredible Beauty is created, with all of these weavings of Light!

Let All Particles of Light come together and create! We are Light. We are Love. We weave together. We honor you.

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Unbecoming: the process of Transformation

Deep within, our Soul knows, we must shatter the great glass ceiling of mirrors, prisms, lenses, of our delusions.

If we can but melt back, into the flow of Time before Time, to conception and beyond, back to the moment that Creation became Aware, to the very birth of Creation itself- then the dense ideals we thought we were, become undone.

Shedding the heavy robes of forgetfulness, shedding wounds that were never real. Unbecoming that which we became, out of fear and lack of understanding, of our own Divinity.

Back where we can Become Again, The Majestic Beings of Light, Creators of Brilliant Tapestries and Symphonies, composing at last, The Great Opus of The Ages, like the Master Artists that we are.

Transformation is a process.

“Be” with your process as it’s happening. Allow for the unraveling, the messiness, the unknowing, and trust the process. Let the new ingredients come together and marinate for however long it takes. In Stillness, you will be restored.

This is a turning inwards process. Deep within you and nowhere else.

It requires listening to the deeper self and to the silence. Listening from the Heart. And the more you listen, in Stillness, the more you begin to hear.

Circumventing the ego, the small you, stepping out into the vastness of The Universe of The Soul. The ego mind wishes to discover Reality, but at the moment of letting go, you step out into something much much larger, into a vast expanse of deep mystery.

As you step through the Gateway Portal of your Heart, you will open to the Crystalline webbing linking Heaven and Earth, through which rainbow rivers of Light flow, and the Soul becomes free to explore what it means to Co-Create, Free to Merge with The Mind of God, conceiving of things not yet in existence, with no limitations, for you cannot shut the windows of the sky, as there are none.

Journey Onward! Deep Within, Deep Without, All Around, Spiraling In, Spiraling Out, All of Life, This We Are: Infinite Sacredness.

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Going Slow: What?! On Learning How to Float again.

I admit I am an over achiever. Most people I know are. This is a fast paced world in many respects, but is that what we really want? Or need?

I knew how to go slow when I was a child. I think most children are much more in touch with the natural way of Being. I relished in hanging upside down from trees, in building stick Forts and stone chairs in the woods, and I especially relished floating on the water.

So what happened? My parents were taught by their parents who were taught by their parents, to never be idle. There was constant work to be done even during the summer months, even when on “vacation” in the Catskills mountains. My father believed in being up at 6 am and had the entire day filled with constant activities or work or educational learning. Now that can be a good thing, but there should be some sort of balance with time to rest, to leisurely explore. With him their never was.

Case in point, from a vivid memory I have, of swimming in the Scoharie Creek. I was always floating or slowly swimming underwater because I loved the feel of the water on my skin and the muffled sounds under the water. My father would become very irate with me for doing this. He would demand that I “swim” laps, and would not leave me be, until I had swum at least 20 laps most vigorously, in Free Style, then Breast Stroke, then Back Stroke, then Side Stroke, no dawdling or resting in between. Mind you, I was not on any swim team, and this was summer. I most vividly remember thinking “I just want to float!” And yes, I did choose to become a Lifeguard at 15 and then a Water Safety Instructor and Pool Director at 17, which absolutely gave me purpose and meaning in Life. But I stopped floating.

So that was just the “way” of things. Constant doing, doing, doing, and always striving for more, better, higher, next, next, next. It becomes ingrained in us.

Rest? Completely foreign concept. With the exceptions of when I was very sick, or after surgery or after an accident. I actually did have “Cronic fatigue Syndrome” in my late 20’s that flattened me and allowed for a Space of Spiritual Turning Inward. Thus began my Spiritual Seeking in a very deep way. Would I have done that if I had not been forced to slow down? Probably not.

Recent times have shown all of us around the globe, that when we have the time and space for Reflection and Beauty and Rest, we feel a deeper appreciation for Life. We begin to ask ourselves What can be done differently? Is this “thing” really necessary? How can we bring more Balance and Harmony into our Lives? Do I really need to rush here and there? Am I making room for connection with my Soul? What is essential and what is not?

I have recently started a new chapter in my Life, having just retired from public education. Someone suggested to me that I should not jump into anything new for a couple of years. That I should just have a couple of “lazy summers”. My initial response was of shock and horror at the thought, LOL. Do Nothing? For Two Years? Insanity. Madness. Then after a few minutes of realizing that I have not been very good at “rest” most of my life, I realized the wisdom in this. Still, after a lifetime of doing, doing, doing, I am not quite sure how to actually do nothing. I did of course slow down during our nation’s time of quarantine and that definitely felt very very good.

So here is what I realized. Maybe I don’t have to “do nothing” All of The Time, but leave room, space, opportunities for “doing nothing”, at least much more often than not. Whew, ok, that I can handle!

So I am beginning by reclaiming and honoring that child part of me who loved to float on the water, and just listen to the faint clink clink of rocks gently moving in the current, feeling the gentle caress of water against her cheeks, and making mud paint at the edge of the creek, by rubbing multi hued pebbles with water. I will Honor her, by learning to float again.

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Self Compassion Is Where We Should Begin

The level of compassion we have for ourselves is the same that we will have for others.

In order to sit down at the table and really listen to others, we need to first do the hard work of looking at what parts of ourself still need to be held with Compassion and Kindness. This requires honesty and courage……to not gloss over or stuff emotions, to not belittle or disregard our past needs that were not met, to not deny that we had expectations, to really examine what Beliefs lie under our assumptions or our hurt feelings. Yes, Courage, Beautiful Ones, is needed, but you are not in this alone. No one is. We all have a Spirit Team ready and waiting.

Call in your favorite Angel or Ascended Master, your own Higher Self/Soul, your “Spirit Team”. Call them into your Heart Space. See this Heart Space as either a Crystalline Temple or a Beautiful Garden, and Invite the Spirit Team in, to sit with you. Ask for their Love , Support and Guidance with this Process. Remember that it is a Process, and not just a One Time deal.

As things come up, look with gentle eyes. See with the eyes of The Heart. Be kind and gentle with yourself and embrace the parts of you that need to feel Love. Ask your Spirit Team to surround these parts and hold, embrace, sing to, wrap in rainbows of Light, these parts. And ask for all negative emotions to be lifted away, within bubbles of Pink Light, by the Angels, up to The Heart of God.

You may even ask for a member of your Spirit Team to continue to walk with you, through out your day, to provide comfort and upliftment. I did this myself, a long time ago, actually more than once, and it has provided a great measure of comfort. The first time, it was Jesus/Yeshua who came and sat down at a picnic table with me, in the Garden of my Heart. Though He did not speak, he looked me square in the eyes, with a Depth of Compassion that is indescribable, and when I asked if He would hold my hand, as I walked through Life, to lend me His courage and support, He reached across the table and grabbed hold of both of my hands. Many times in my life, perhaps when I needed the reminder most, I would “see” with my inner eye, Him, walking beside me, holding my hand. It brings tears to my eyes every time, even now as I type this!

The Angels too, Glorious, Wonderful Angels! Call on them, and often, as they Truly Love to Assist you! Angels are Guardians of Hope and Wonder, the Keepers of Magic and Dreams. Angels watch over you wherever you go, ready to help out when you remember to ask. Angels carry High Beam Lights to help you through the darkest hours. They can help you to carry the ball, carry a tune, carry your weight away, carry your grief away, up to The Heart of God, and support you to carry on! Angels are with you every step of the way and help you soar with Grace. Your own personal Guardian Angel, especially, knows you inside and out, Loves you deeply and sees the Beauty of your Soul.

Remember that you are not alone. Remember to call upon your Spirit Team always, for they hear and respond. Beautiful Ones, Go Now, and Ask.

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Death As A Catalyst

Death is such a powerful catalyst for all of us. Whether we expect it or it sneaks up on us. Whether it be watching a loved one slowly dying, or the sudden loss of a friend, or the tragic and senseless death of someone we didn’t know, but that causes us to be horrified and quickened to the core of our being. It touches us deeply.

This life is so fleeting, so quick to fly by, it makes my head spin. Like all of you, I too have experienced the grief and loss that death brings, each with its own lessons of fragility. One in particular, happened when I was in my 20’s and working as a Lifeguard and Waterfront Director, at a summer camp. It happened one day, on my day off, during a transition period from one camp group to the next, that a small group of teens who were staying over, decided to sneak off without their Counselor, to the creek, even though they had been told it was off limits. It had rained heavily, the creek was high and the under currents strong, from many under water caves. Sadly, one boy was not strong enough to survive the currents. He was 14. It was such a deep shock for everyone. It was a week before the divers found his body. Every day I would go to a secluded spot by that creek and sit there, listening to the water, in awe of its raw power, of its beauty, and contemplated the fragility of Life. That experience and others, gave me a deeper reverence for the sacredness of Life, something that I have always held in my heart.

Perhaps the whole point of Death, is so that we learn to value Life. So that we learn to appreciate each breath that we take, each sunrise, each smile, each Extra-Ordinary Person we meet, each season on this beautiful Earth.

I don’t have all the answers. I am here just like everyone else, trying to find meaning and beauty in this experience. I can say, that I have learned a lot, about myself, about the sacredness of existence, about how to love and honor all parts of myself, even though I still have so much to learn. I have discovered that there is much to celebrate and be thankful for. I have discovered that each Soul I meet, is a reflection of both God and Myself. I have discovered that every experience is an opportunity for my Soul to grow. I have discovered that Death teaches us to face Illusions, to look at what we value, to ask ourselves deep and soulful questions:

-Am I living my Life to it’s fullest depth and breadth? -Am I Honoring the Sacredness of Life itself? – Do I have the courage to be my Authentic Self, to move through the processes of grieving, healing, and forgiveness, not just of others, but also of myself? – How do I stand here and be in my own Worth? – How do I do better? – Do I have enough Faith, that if I choose Love often enough, my Outer World will come to reflect that?

*How can We, as Humanity, come together and Co-Create, a World of Peace, Honoring the Sacredness of All, Celebrating the Diversity of God, as reflected in each other, and holding a deeper Reverence for All that exists.

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The Art of Intentional Dreaming:

What would it be like, if everyone’s life experience was that of being safe, being valued, being respected? What if everyone as a child, was encouraged to grow into their sovereignty?

“The Art of Intentional Dreaming” is about holding a Vision in your Heart, believing in it, feeding it your intention and attention until it becomes a manifested reality.

Let us, as a collective, co-create a Vision of what it would look like, what it would feel like, to walk around on The Earth, experiencing Peace and Harmony, experiencing every Human Being as a Sacred Expression of God. Experiencing every living creature, plant, mineral, the very earth Herself, as a Sacred Expression of God.

Let us sit with that Vision, every day, holding it clearly in our Hearts. Let us Visualize walking around in a landscape of such incredible Diverse Beauty, greeting everyone and everything we see with Tremendous Joy welling up from the depths of our Being. Let us see Beams of Love flowing from our Heart and from everyone else’s Heart, swirling, spiraling multicolored light, dancing around, in and through us all. Let us Breath In that Light! Feel how incredibly Magical this is! Do you see it? Do you feel it?

We can “feed” that Vision by creating stories that reflect it, by creating beautiful works of Art that show how that looks, by creating music and dance that shows how that feels, by having conversations with others, that reflects that, as a desired reality that we actively cultivate, through every relationship, through making changes in communities so as to better reflect that reality. In everything that we do, say and think, we reflect that reality. We choose not to place attention on anything that does not reflect that reality. What we focus on becomes our reality.

Hold that Vision in your Heart, knowing that it is the Deepest truth of our Divine Presence and that Divine Presence can and will manifest through us, as long as we hold that Vision, as long as we feed it, cultivate it, breath into it. Sitting in meditation, Breath your Breath of Life into it. The Breath of the Divine, of God, flows through All, as long as we don’t stop it. As we Breath, God will Breath through us, if we Open our Hearts and Allow.

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Mystical Experiences 2: Openness and Quan Yin

Mystics of all cultures and traditions since time immemorial have experienced profound connection to something larger than themselves.

Please understand that I am not promoting any particular “religion” here. There is a distinct difference between “religion” and Spirituality. Religions are man made institutions filled with rules and doctrines meant to impose a particular viewpoint or interpretation of agreed upon “sacred’ texts. Participants are expected to live by these rules or be judged harshly. This is not Spirituality. Spirituality is about an individual’s journey of connection to Source and his/her/their own Soul’s expansion and growth, without interference from others.

Now, that being said, certainly there have been “Mystics” who practiced within a particular religion. Mystics are those who experience in a direct and sometimes ecstatic way, that Divine Connection to their Source/Universal Consciousness/Higher Self. Sometimes there are Practices within a religion, that will enhance one’s ability to go Deep within and connect with that Divine Essence. Practices such as Meditation, Singing, Chanting, Dancing, Playing Music, Affirmations, Painting, Prayer etc. These are “Practices” or methods, that people from all traditions have had great success with.

As I have mentioned before, I had much experience with these practices, even as a child. I was brought up within a very Evangelical background, and though I do not ascribe to most of their “doctrines” they did do a lot of singing, meditation and prayer practices. And again, I do not always agree with their brand of worship, but I did find certain songs or the act of being in meditation, to be practices that catapulted me into ecstatic communion with God or an Angel or Yeshua or Mother Mary. I learned a certain Openness to these experiences that was supported or accepted.

But getting back to Mystical Experiences. Besides being Open to these experiences, it is also important to not have expectations for it, because that will create anxiety or limiting beliefs about what should happen. It is best to just blissfully want nothing more than to commune with God or Nature, and to express your Gratitude for all that is. That will keep you within that childlike state of Openness and Wonder.

Have you ever watched a little child play outside? or remember what it was like? They can wander around, finding things to be excited about, every inch of the way, can chase after a butterfly with complete abandon, suddenly come across a puddle, and change gears, jumping in it and finding new things to discover. They might not have a set destination or goal in mind, or if they do, it easily set aside for a new experience.

If you are familiar with the words of Yeshua/Jesus, “the Kingdom of Heaven is within”? And “unless you be like a little child, you cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven”? These words are about being able to Connect/Commune to God/Source/Heaven, within your own Heart and Soul. To not only have Faith that it is possible, but also to be childlike in your Openness to discover and allow the experience to be whatever it may be.

So, For many reasons, I was very much Open to these Mystical experiences growing up and as an adult decided to continue cultivating these practices and experiences. I did choose to look into other “religions” to see what Practices they kept and what wisdom might have been found. I discovered the same practices within all. There have been those who experience Mystical Connection to The Divine in every culture and tradition, who may explain their experiences in different words than I would use, but the Key Wisdoms and Essence of God were the same.

Here is a moving experience I had, “connecting” with the Divine feminine Essence of Compassion, that some traditions call Quan Yin. I was meditating by a small garden fountain and pool of water with intriguing rock formations, that is a stopping point along a path to a Buddhist Temple. I was new to this place and was very much enjoying the tranquility. I decided to offering gratitude to the Divine Feminine Aspect of God, in the form of Quan Yin. As I sat with eyes closed, my Inner Eye suddenly activated and I “saw” Bright Fuschia Sparkles descending from the Temple above, to where I was seated. I felt an Amazing Motherly and Compassionate Presence move all around me as if embracing me. It uplifted my Spirit tremendously, and it was such a deeply moving experience to feel held in that Love and it was beyond any earthly human experience I had ever had. It was incredibly profound, moving me to tears, to know that such Compassionate Love existed.

I have connected to that very same Divine Essence many times through out my life. I have adopted a practice of chanting “Om Mani Padme Hum”, which often will bring about connection to that Presence. Another great experience was when I picked up my first book on the subject of Reiki, an energy healing modality that calls upon the Essence of God to flow through the hands in a specific manner to facilitate healing. As I picked up that first book and opened to a random page, my eyes fell upon the name Quan Yin (as God’s Essence of Compassion) and I spoke it out loud. Immediately, my throat chakra started vibrating exponentially, and opened widely. It was a very physical sensation that startled me and I dropped the book. I had never heard of Reiki before that day but I knew I needed to study that! I studied through three levels of Usui Reiki and then had to wait 6 months before starting to study Karuna Reiki, which works directly with the energy and Presence of Quan Yin, but it was all so worth it! My connection to Quan Yin deepened the quality of my Faith as well as Opening me up to even more Beautiful experiences with The Presence of God in its various qualities and aspects.

Everything that exists is an expression of God. All humans are an expression of God. All of Nature is an expression of God. God created All of it. The various “forms” or “expressions” of God that exist are as individual and unique as snowflakes are, as grains of sand are, as we are. Therefore, everyone’s experience of “God” will be different. So let us have no expectations and let us not judge another person’s experiences, as we would hope to not be judged. Let us All be Open to every conceivable and inconceivable, Beautifully Majestic and Infinite Experience of God.

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“Soul Slow”: Meditation and Mystical Experiences, part 1

Creating and maintaining Soul Level Connections, means “cultivating” a personal relationship with your Soul and with Source.

This requires Slowing Down! Making Time for Meditation, which may include prayer, reflection, reciting Affirmations or Mantras, intentional connection to your Higher Self, an Angel, an Ascended Master, God Source, and perhaps asking a question and sitting in Silence to receive.

Know this, the key to “receiving”, is understanding the principle of Heart Confidence. Your ability to receive from The Heart of Source, or from your Higher Self, is directly related to the level of confidence, the Faith you have, within your Heart, of your Soul’s connection to Source and in the accessibility that you yourself can attain.

Now let’s face it, we all have negative mind chatter. Some of this is old programming from critical voices we internalized from childhood, that may be telling us we are unworthy, unlovable, stupid, delusional, or whatever else. This is why it is so extremely important to have a daily practice of meditation, so you can circumvent your mind and these false beliefs of unworthiness. You may also need to receive Healing sessions, do journaling and Inner Child work, all of which can be beneficial in clearing away what blocks you from Opening your Heart to receive, that place from which all connections to Spirit are found, for it is the Center of The Soul, our very own “Garden of Eden”.

Sometimes we do have a very strong Faith in a particular expression of God, whether that be that there is in fact a “God” or Intelligent Consciousness, or in the Earth as a Living Being and all of Nature as expressions of God. All are valid. Perhaps you believe in Angels and Ascended Masters, or even in just one, such as Jesus/ Yeshua. Spend some time reflecting on where your strongest Faith lies and always begin your “connection” through your Heart, with that.

When you begin to connect regularly, you will find yourself having Mystical experiences, and over time these will Open you to even more and your Faith will increase.

I have had many many Mystical experiences over the course of my lifetime, to Yeshua(Jesus), Mother Mary, Quan Yin, Angels Ariel, Michael, Jeremiel, Raphael, Gabriel, and others, to the Earth as a Living Being, to crystals and animals, to deceased relatives and pets. And while I pretty much always had an Openness to all of it, there are also many times when I have allowed an old program of unworthiness to get in the way and shut me down. This happens to all of us. This is why we pause and look in the Spiritual Tool Box for what may facilitate our healing, or we turn to other Spiritual Guides to gain deeper insights or knowledge that may assist us. I have been Blessed to be surrounded by so many Light Workers in my lifetime and have experienced many many different types of Healing modalities from very gifted people. Just remember that Life is a process. It is a Journey that your Soul is on, so be gentle and compassionate with yourself. Too many times I have been so hard on and overly critical of, myself, (and I know many of you are too) and that serves no purpose.

Recently, after a couple more Inner Child healing sessions, I have experienced a return of some fragmented parts of my childhood and a re-integration of some of the positive Mystical connections I had back then. In a recent post, I talked about how I would sing Christian Praise songs while in the woods. In truth, I always had a very deep Faith in God and in Yeshua(Jesus). My Faith in Yeshua had nothing to do with Christianity or what the Church or my parents taught me. I always had a deep Soul connection to Him. I can remember when my parents first started telling me about “Jesus”…..believe it or not, I was only 2 years old, but I remember distinctly wondering why they were talking to me like I didn’t know who He was, because I most certainly did know! I always had the sense that I “knew” Him from before I was born. Now I did not have the vocabulary or ability to explain any of this, as a child. I also remember feeling His Presence quite clearly as He would sometimes stop by to visit me when I was just on the edge of sleep. And no it was not a “dream” as there is a definite difference.

For much of my young adult life, I tried to ignore this connection to Yeshua, as I became disillusioned by much of the doctrines of the Institution of Christianity and I didn’t know how to reconcile myself to this for awhile. I did enter into many years of study in “New Thought Christianity” which emphasizes the personal relationship of your Soul to God, and also accepts the Wisdom of other Spiritual Traditions. I then in recent years entered into deeper study of connections to the 33 Ascended Masters who assist Humanity. I have now in recent months, come Full Circle, back to Yeshua, through deeper understandings of Faith, of a personal Spirituality, a personal connection to God and to my own Soul. I have to say that my Soul has been rejoicing in this re-integration and acknowledgement of Faith, that sustained me as a child. I feel much more Whole and Complete.

I can say with Confidence from my Heart : ” I Am A Child of God, I Am Light, I Am Love”

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Peace Connections

Peace for me, is about Spirit Connection. Connection to my Soul, connection to my Higher Self, my Spirit Team, The Angels, The Ascended Masters, my own I AM Presence and the Oneness of All That Is.

     Living this human existence, we sometimes forget we have these connections, which if not nurtured, will seem very far away and inaccessible. But it is like any relationship, you need to pay attention to it and nurture it, putting in the time and effort required to keep the connection strong.

     Energy goes to wherever your attention is. I have found that making time and space for daily practices of meditation, singing, toning, walking in Nature and other Spiritual activities that guide me to connect with my Higher Self, are all essential to my Inner Peace and Well Being.

     Looking back across my life, at various times of trials and tribulations, I can see how much these practices have assisted me to keep my Spirit Connections open. Even as a child, I intuitively understood this, as I would often go outside and sit in a tree or find a special stone or make rock paint by a stream, covering my face and arms with simple geometries. I would focus my attention so deeply with everything in Nature. I could feel the energy of the Earth as it flowed into me, uplifting my Spirit. I felt loved and supported. 

     As an adult, I have been so Blessed to study all manner of Spirituality, Metaphysics and Energy Healing, deepening my relationship with my Higher Self, The Angels and The Ascended Masters. When I begin to feel overwhelmed by emotions or circumstances, I know to go within my Heart and connect to the whole Spiritual Retinue around me. They will flood me with unconditional Love. They will lift my vision up higher than where my egoic mind may have taken me. They will connect me to a vision of Oneness and Beauty. From that comes the Peace that Passes All Understanding.

In recent studies with a Spiritual Teacher from Australia, (who’s course “The Path of Light” I am now offering) I have been learning to Channel parts of my Higher Self that are in alignment with Higher Light Vibrations. Here is a message to All, from my Higher Self, “Shuliana” :

Beautiful Ones, we come to share Love with you, for where there is Love, there is Peace. Within this vibration of Pure Love, Pure Light, Pure Peace and Bliss, there is nothing that is not a part of God, nothing that God does not Love. There is only that which sits in Love and Truth. This Purity is you, as much as it is me, for there is only One. We are this. We are The Heart of God. We are the Divine. The Breath of the Divine flows thru our Breath. We are Blessed beyond measure. Be at Peace, for All is One. Be at Peace for you are already at Home in the Heart of God. Be at Peace for All is Light. All is Love. All is God. You are The Illumination of God. You are The Beauty of God. You are The Dwelling Place of God! We are this! In Oneness, we are this. Be Peace Now.

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“Flow” requires “Letting Go”

To be in the “Flow” of Life, requires a lot of “letting go”. Letting go of: expectations; of people; of situations; of places; of fear; of beliefs; of a self identity; of needing to be in control; of needing other’s approval; of needing the world to look a certain way; of “The Story”, whatever that is, that we cling to.

“ Letting Go” however, is a process. You may have to re-visit letting go of the same issue more than once. Each time that you do, know that it does get a little bit easier. You may call this “healing” or “growing”. Visualize this process as a spiral. Each time that you experience “letting go”, you move incrementally forward on that spiral. The spiral will keep moving around and up, level after level. So you may re-visit letting go of the same or similar issues as you progress to the next level. You will go deeper into the issue, deeper into the hidden beliefs you hold, deeper into residual emotions, deeper into yourself.

You will move at your own pace. It may be slower or faster than the person next to you. It’s all totally O.K. Don’t even look at the others. You are Uniquely You and your Journey is Uniquely your own.

And listen, sometimes I am notoriously bad at letting go. But when I do, I feel the difference at a Soul level. I feel my connection to my Higher Self deepen.

Somewhere along the way in my life, I developed the ability to step outside of myself. Most of the time, I am aware of when I am stuck in “the story”, of when I am looking outside of myself for approval. Sometimes my emotions are quite Huge and I just have to allow myself the time to feel and process these emotions before I am able to do the “letting go“ part. I allow it to be what it is. I feel the pain, I feel the anger. I use all the Spiritual Tools that I have learned over the years and call in my Spirit Team for assistance. Sometimes I experience great success at letting go of a negative self identity, of letting go of a limiting belief that has been holding me back, of providing my Inner Child/Ego Self with the Love and Nurturance that she thought she didn’t have.

Sometimes I will re-visit the same issue months or years later, as healing and growth are a process. But I can look back across the years and see my progress and see that I have come much further than I thought. So I stop and celebrate. I stop and appreciate the journey. I stop and smell the proverbial roses. I honor myself; I honor the journey; I honor my Higher Self and councils of Light, the Angels, my Spirit Team, all those in the non physical realms who I know are supporting me. Knowing I have that support is HUGE. That is what gives me the courage and the ability to move forward. Strengthening those connections is essential. That is the only way I am able to do this thing called Life.

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“Soul Flow” : Synchronicity and Trust

If we are going to talk about “Flow”, then we must talk about Synchronicity and Trust.

If you can learn to relax and let go of expectations for Life, let go of needing to know everything Right Now, you will open to the Flow and Synchronicity of The Universe, of Your Higher Self, of Your Soul. This requires us to step into Trust, that each moment indeed has layers of synchronicities and is part of “The Plan” for us, for our Journey.

Most of the time you will not see these Synchronicities until months or even years later, and then suddenly something snaps into sharp focus and clarity and you can see the thread that flows back to previous moments, sometimes across your whole Life. It is in these moments of clarity that you will be filled with awe at the Universe. In those moments, you suddenly know that the Universe does indeed have your back, does indeed support you and that you are very much loved, because there is an intelligent design behind everything.

The more you can surrender to the Flow of Life, the more these synchronicities will become apparent. It can be from seemingly small things or from huge realizations, but all of it will inspire gratitude and bring you back to a place of Trust.

I could share oodles of examples, but I will just share a couple:

I’ll start with a simple example: The photo I chose for the previous post. I took that photo three years ago, for no particular reason other than i thought it was a cool arraignment that I had on a sideboard, of one of my pencil drawings and a Buddha Board. After I wrote the previous post, I thought I would search my photo gallery for something with either art or water in it. I came across that photo and it fit perfectly for the theme of “creativity” and “flow” and I even noticed that the watery image on the Buddha Board had a heart shape on it which also fit the concept of having an Open Heart or living in the “flow” of Life with an Open Heart. Perfect!

I have also found that many of the Art works I create often have layers of meanings that don’t reveal themselves for years. Many of them I am only recently coming to understand more fully, due to the Spiritual Studies I have been engaging in for the past several years, with a teacher from Australia. In my “Shop” section you will see the course, “Path of Light” that was Channeled by her, from the Ascended Masters.

It is interesting how I came to learn of her work. Firstly, I will share that when I was much younger, and searching for deeper Spiritual knowledge, I asked The Universe to help me find a teacher of very High Vibration, and had to be Female, as I knew I would not respond well to any male teachers (that’s just me). Well the Universe actually sent me several very wonderful female teachers, some of whom became very close friends. From one, I learned two forms of Reiki and Integrated Energy Therapy, which were deeply healing for me and began to Open me up to higher vibrations. That teacher has become very near and dear to my Heart. She at some point introduced me to a woman who had just opened a Spiritual Center and Art Gallery in my town, and we became fast friends. She in turn introduced me to so many other people in the both the Spiritual and Art communities. And One of whom became another very dear friend who happened to be studying with a teacher in Australia, and later became an Instructor for her work, which of course I took!

I can look back now and see all these threads weaving through all of these experiences and pivotal moments, And Life Changing friendships, all Synchronicities, leading me to exactly where I am now! And in just that one thread of my life there are layers upon layers of synchronicities that I can’t even begin to explain it all!

Now I am not saying that I haven’t struggled with letting Life Flow, because I certainly have had my share of difficulties the same as everyone else, and many years of re-visiting my woundedness and shadow aspects. But, there were enough times when I did return to my Heart Center and when I did surrender to what was, and that allowed for all of that “Flow” to happen for me. Which brings me back to a place of humbleness and gratitude and awe!

What are some of the Synchronicities in your Life?

Here’s another one, from my college days and one that I was in resistance to, but the Universe kept re-directing me until I got the message!

As a Freshman applicant to college, I submitted my Art Portfolio to The Fine Arts Department. This is standard procedure, and an applicants Portfolio must be reviewed and accepted by the Department Chair.

Well, the college informed me that my portfolio was lost. So I went to speak with the Director of The Fine Arts Dept, who hunted around for it and eventually discovered it in the Arts Education office. So it was recovered and I was accepted into Fine Arts. However, I was always filled with anxiety over what Career choice to make. I thought maybe I could be a Photo Journalist, then I shifted to Graphic Designer. However, it became increasingly clear that i did not feel at home with it and something was missing. Meanwhile, several people had suggested Art Education, and I kept saying, “never’. Eventually I went to visit an Art classroom in my hometown and realized that maybe I had been wrong and i should give it a chance. from the moment I took my first Education class, I “knew” I had found where I belonged.

So you see, The Universe was trying to provide the Synchronicity that was right for me, and I didn’t want to see it or accept it at first, but eventually I did take that leap of Faith!

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“Soul Flow”: Creative Living

“ Man is all Imagination. God is in Man and exists in all of us and we in Him…..the Eternal Body of Man is The Imagination, that is, God Himself.” ——-William Blake

The Nature of the Soul is to be Creative. Our Divine Inheritance is Creativity. The Divine wishes to express itself through you.

What are you Growing, Manifesting, Intending, Becoming?

What are you Passionate about?

What does it mean to you, to live a Creative Life?

Be curious about the everything. Be Open to exploring new ideas, be Open to being Inspired by others. Create from your Heart Space, things that have value and meaning for you.

Here are 7 Ways to Focus and utilize the Theme of Creativity: Which one Sparks your Interest and what does the Title mean to You?

1) Creativity as Play/Exploration

2) Creativity as a Way to Open to Spirit

3) Creativity as a Balance between Discipline and Surrender

4) Creativity for Self Discovery/Expression

5) Creativity as a Tool for Growth

6) Creativity as a Tool for Healing

7) Creativity as a Tool for Problem Solving

Your Ability to Create is intimately connected to your intention to matter. If you don’t think that you, your ideas, or your work matter, you won’t commit to a Creative Practice.


“I AM a Vibrant Being, Full of Life, Joy, Peace and Compassion. I embrace the present Moment. I reflect my Inner Heart. I inspire others to let their fullest Light Shine Bright. I Create because my Soul is Free.”

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Movement: Dance, Yoga or Any Way You Want!

I started learning Modern Dance as a youngster and fell in love with being able to sway or move in connection to music that stirred my Soul.

Living in NYC has the benefit of access to many cultural experiences. The Alvin Ailey Dance College has had for many years a Community Dance Program for kids, which I was so fortunate to experience as a young teen. I believe in the benefits of movement of any type, as most people will certainly agree.

Yoga is also a deeply wonderful addition to any Spiritual Practice and as an Adult I have taken classes in Kundalini Yoga, which I highly recommend!

Many years ago, I was introduced to Ancient Shakti Dance, which actually shares many of the same movements as Kundalini Yoga, except of course, you are moving as a dancer.

Ancient Shakti Dance (in the vernacular, “Belly Dance”….a very Hollywood Americanized term) when approached with a more Spiritual intent, can be similar to the Sufi Spiritual ecstatic trance dance, in that the dancer is seeking communion with the Spiritual Divine Energy of God. This is seen as very Sacred and as a Beautiful way of Honoring and embodying the energy of All of Creation.

“Shakti” or “power” or “empowerment”, the active Creation Force of Shiva, is The Primordial Cosmic Energy and represents the dynamic forces that are thought to move through the entire Universe. This power is responsible for Creation. It’s qualities are Change and Liberation.

The dance has its roots in very ancient India, Egypt, Mesopotamia, Greece and Turkey, but has of course spread to most cultures, who each have their own Folk versions. There are many ancient depictions on wall art, of female dancers. And by the way, there are many male dances in other cultures who do this form of dance quite well, with of course a more masculine expression of certain movements.

In recent deep mediation, I was transported back to a Lifetime I had in Ancient Lemuria, where I was dancing to Honor Mother Earth. I have also had similar meditations transporting me to Ancient Egypt, where I danced in Honor of the Goddess Hathor. Often, things we are interested in, in this life, are things we have done in past lives.

Shakti Dance utilizes patterns of Sacred Geometry. The Circle, The figure 8, a Wave, A Spiral, and Vibrations.

By moving our bodies in these patterns, we awaken the Divine Feminine Creation Energy within us, on a cellular level.

Our Souls are an Active, Creative Hologram of Divinity.

You do not need any formal training, however, to move your body. Just move intuitively or in response to uplifting instrumental music (no words). All forms of movement when approached with an attitude of playfulness and creative expression, will create a sense of Well Being and Harmony.

No matter how you do it, just move your body and get your “Soul Glow” on!