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Higher Self Portraits

Now offering Higher Self Portraits for sale in The Shop!

In need of a boost of confidence or to refocus on the positive gifts of your Higher Self? I will sit in meditation and Channel what is pertinent for you at this time. All imagery will be symbolic of your strengths and gifts that your Soul possesses. The image will assist you to refocus to a Higher Vibration and to manifest your greater potential.

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Time to Re-Boot and Upgrade The Self

A New Era Opens, with Infinite possibilities of New Visions for us to manifest.

Right now we are still in transition. A time of many changes, on both the personal and global level. It is a time to breathe deeply, be still, meditate and find our connection with the magic and wonder of Life. It is also a time to consider what needs to be let go of and what feeds our Soul.

It is a time to nurture The Self. To come into communion with The Self. There are many ways to cultivate Self Love. I Highly Recommend including the following in your repertoire : 1) Inner Child work 2) Creating Ceremony to Release, or Ceremony to start a new habit or path or transition 3) Meditation 4) Journaling.

For Connecting with your Inner Child, I have found the following works well: Sit with your Inner Child, of different ages, and talk to these parts, but mostly listen and allow those parts to speak, to be heard. If they choose to not speak, then sit in silence with them. Show up for your Inner Child, every day, by connecting and listening.

An exercise that really helped me at a very low point, was to get a roll of Kraft paper, pull out a very large piece and tape it to the wall, floor to ceiling. I then invited my Inner Child to just doodle, draw, color, every day for a week. You can of course opt for regular drawing paper or canvas paper and paint. I had a box of markers and crayons nearby. I would start by sitting quietly, making sure to turn my attention inward, into the Garden of my Heart, and send the invitation. Some days a whole lot of doodleing happened and other days not much, or maybe just to color in yesterday’s doodle. It is all good! The important thing is to not judge anything that comes out. Just show up every day for this. Before long, the whole page is covered.

Then I spend another week just sitting in front of this and looking at what symbols and connections between things, are there. Just looking intently….don’t skip this part, because observing while doodling is different from sitting back and observing. This is an exercise I would recommend doing every few months.

In between, I would still sit with the Inner Child, but instead, have a journal handy, and ask your Inner Child a question every day and allow the answer to flow through writing. Again, do not judge. What the question is, will be your choice. You may even simply ask “What do you want to do today” or “for the next two hours”…..and then go do that!

If and When Big Issues come up, as they are bound to, ask your Adult Self, the following Questions:

1) what is this behavior or belief? How did it serve me in the past? ……. 2) How does it serve me now?……. 3) Is it still needful? ………. 4) Does this serve me in cultivating my Highest Potential?

It may be Time to let things go, break a habit, create a new healthy habit, explore new horizons.

The best way to begin this, is with ceremony. Ceremony speaks to our unconscious brain and allows us to really focus on what this transition is all about. It assist us to step from one place to another, more smoothly.

Basic Ceremony:

* *find a piece of wood….any kind, could be driftwood, or a wood shape bought at a Craft Store, or an old piece that used to be part of something else.* *Decorate this wood piece, through writing on it, collage, paint, adhering metal shapes or beads or wrapping with yarn or twine. * *incorporate Nature into the ceremony, by going outside with Your created piece. **You may wish to speak a poem or sing, chant, play a drum. **Call on Spirit Guides, your Higher Self, The Angels, to witness. **You may then choose to bury it in the earth or toss it into a body of water. If you choose to burn it, please adhere to fire safety and only use an actual fire pit. **You may also incorporate incense, candles, or anoint yourself with a special oil.

Touch Stone: To assist a new habit, choose a special crystal or stone that you can carry in your pocket and rub a thumb over, during the day, as a reminder. Hold the stone between your hands and speak your intention out loud, into the stone, asking it to assist you to remember your intention throughout the day, expressing Grattitude for its help.

Journal! I would recommend journaling every day, to record your emotions, struggles, triumphs, and gratitudes…..what your reflections have shown you and what your process is.

The basic idea here is to become more in touch with your self, to really get to know yourself, without judgement, and to reflect upon what will cultivate your Highest Potential.

Affirmations: *”My Heart is Open to receive the energy of Love”……. **”I Radiate the essence of Compassion”…… **”I walk my path with Ease and Grace”

To Re-Boot and Upgrade! To transition into a Higher Frequency of Living, with ease and grace! To be ready to manifest your greatest dreams! May Blessings Abound!

I will be creating a monthly “Meditation Kit” for sale in the Shop. Each month will have a different theme, and feature my own Art, as Spirit Altar Cards, with a Guided Mediation, a Soul Spark Focus Card, and a Heart Hugs Project. Also included each month, will be a special crystal and incense for you to enjoy! This month’s Theme is Transformation, Connecting with your “Butterfly Essence”!!!