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“Flow” requires “Letting Go”

To be in the “Flow” of Life, requires a lot of “letting go”. Letting go of: expectations; of people; of situations; of places; of fear; of beliefs; of a self identity; of needing to be in control; of needing other’s approval; of needing the world to look a certain way; of “The Story”, whatever that is, that we cling to.

“ Letting Go” however, is a process. You may have to re-visit letting go of the same issue more than once. Each time that you do, know that it does get a little bit easier. You may call this “healing” or “growing”. Visualize this process as a spiral. Each time that you experience “letting go”, you move incrementally forward on that spiral. The spiral will keep moving around and up, level after level. So you may re-visit letting go of the same or similar issues as you progress to the next level. You will go deeper into the issue, deeper into the hidden beliefs you hold, deeper into residual emotions, deeper into yourself.

You will move at your own pace. It may be slower or faster than the person next to you. It’s all totally O.K. Don’t even look at the others. You are Uniquely You and your Journey is Uniquely your own.

And listen, sometimes I am notoriously bad at letting go. But when I do, I feel the difference at a Soul level. I feel my connection to my Higher Self deepen.

Somewhere along the way in my life, I developed the ability to step outside of myself. Most of the time, I am aware of when I am stuck in “the story”, of when I am looking outside of myself for approval. Sometimes my emotions are quite Huge and I just have to allow myself the time to feel and process these emotions before I am able to do the “letting go“ part. I allow it to be what it is. I feel the pain, I feel the anger. I use all the Spiritual Tools that I have learned over the years and call in my Spirit Team for assistance. Sometimes I experience great success at letting go of a negative self identity, of letting go of a limiting belief that has been holding me back, of providing my Inner Child/Ego Self with the Love and Nurturance that she thought she didn’t have.

Sometimes I will re-visit the same issue months or years later, as healing and growth are a process. But I can look back across the years and see my progress and see that I have come much further than I thought. So I stop and celebrate. I stop and appreciate the journey. I stop and smell the proverbial roses. I honor myself; I honor the journey; I honor my Higher Self and councils of Light, the Angels, my Spirit Team, all those in the non physical realms who I know are supporting me. Knowing I have that support is HUGE. That is what gives me the courage and the ability to move forward. Strengthening those connections is essential. That is the only way I am able to do this thing called Life.

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